- BrazilAlenquer is a municipality in the state of Pará in the Northern region of Brazil.[2][3][4][5] The town is located on the northern bank of the Amazon River, roughly across from the city of Santarém.
Municipality in Northern, Brazil
The city is served by Alenquer Airport.[6]
The municipality contains roughly half of the 216,601 hectares (535,230 acres) Mulata National Forest, a sustainable use conservation unit created in 2001.[7]
The north of the municipality contains part (13.31%) of the 4,245,819 hectares (10,491,650 acres) Grão-Pará Ecological Station, the largest fully protected tropical forest conservation unit on the planet.[8]
It contains 2% of the 3,172,978 hectares (7,840,600 acres) Trombetas State Forest, created in 2006.[9]
Notable people
- Delival Nobre (b. 1948), sports shooter[10]
See also
- List of municipalities in Pará
- IBGE 2020
- "Divisão Territorial do Brasil" (in Portuguese). Divisão Territorial do Brasil e Limites Territoriais, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). July 1, 2008. Retrieved December 17, 2009.
- "Estimativas da população para 1º de julho de 2009" (PDF) (in Portuguese). Estimativas de População, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). August 14, 2009. Retrieved December 17, 2009.
- "Ranking decrescente do IDH-M dos municípios do Brasil" (in Portuguese). Atlas do Desenvolvimento Humano, Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento (PNUD). 2000. Archived from the original on October 3, 2009. Retrieved December 17, 2009.
- "Produto Interno Bruto dos Municípios 2002-2005" (PDF) (in Portuguese). Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). December 19, 2007. Archived from the original (PDF) on October 2, 2008. Retrieved December 17, 2009.
- "Aeródromos". ANAC (in Portuguese). 29 June 2020. Retrieved 8 April 2021.
- FLONA de Mulata (in Portuguese), ISA: Instituto Socioambiental, retrieved 2016-06-01
- Estação Ecológica Grão-Pará (in Portuguese), Ideflor-bio (Government of Pará), retrieved 2016-05-12
- FES do Trombetas (in Portuguese), ISA: Instituto Socioambiental, retrieved 2016-09-07
- "Delival da Fonseca". Retrieved 8 April 2021.
Municipalities of Pará |
Capital: Belém |
Mesoregion Lower Amazonas | Almeirim | |
Óbidos |
- Faro
- Juruti
- Óbidos
- Oriximiná
- Terra Santa
Santarém | |
| |
Mesoregion Marajó | Arari | |
Furos de Breves | |
Portel |
- Bagre
- Gurupá
- Melgaço
- Portel
Mesoregion Metropolitan Belém | Belém |
- Ananindeua
- Barcarena
- Belém
- Benevides
- Marituba
- Santa Bárbara do Pará
Castanhal | |
Mesoregion Northeastern Pará | Bragantina | |
Cametá | |
Guamá | |
Salgado | |
Tomé-Açu |
- Acará
- Concórdia do Pará
- Moju
- Tailândia
- Tomé-Açu
Mesoregion Southeastern Pará | Conceição do Araguaia | |
Marabá | |
Paragominas | |
Parauapebas | |
Redenção | |
São Félix do Xingu | |
Tucurui | |
Mesoregion Southwestern Pará | |
На других языках
- [en] Alenquer, Pará
[ru] Аленкер (Пара)
Аленкер (порт. Alenquer) — муниципалитет в Бразилии, входит в штат Пара. Составная часть мезорегиона Байшу-Амазонас. Входит в экономико-статистический микрорегион Сантарен. Население составляет 52 626 человек на 2010 год. Занимает площадь 23 645,450 км². Плотность населения — 2,23 чел./км².
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