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Shaoxing (cinese: 绍兴; pinyin: Shàoxīng) è una città-prefettura della Cina nella provincia dello Zhejiang.

(ZH) 绍兴 (Shàoxīng)
Stato Cina
Coordinate30°00′N 120°35′E
Superficie9 278 km²
Abitanti4 912 200 (2010)
Densità529,45 ab./km²
Altre informazioni
Cod. postale312000
Prefisso+86 (0)575
Fuso orarioUTC+8
Codice UNS33 06
Shaoxing – Mappa
Shaoxing – Mappa
Sito istituzionale

Nel suo comune rientra il ponte strallato più lungo al mondo, il Jiashao.

Altri progetti

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Controllo di autoritàVIAF (EN) 242214707 · LCCN (EN) n83171152 · GND (DE) 4280639-2 · WorldCat Identities (EN) lccn-n83171152
Portale Cina: accedi alle voci di Wikipedia che parlano della Cina

На других языках

[de] Shaoxing

Shaoxing (chinesisch .mw-parser-output .Hant{font-size:110%}紹興市 / .mw-parser-output .Hans{font-size:110%}绍兴市, Pinyin Shàoxīng Shì, W.-G. Shao-hsing) ist eine bezirksfreie Stadt in der chinesischen Provinz Zhejiang in der Ningshao-Ebene, 65 Kilometer entfernt von der Provinzhauptstadt Hangzhou.

[en] Shaoxing

Shaoxing ([ʂâʊɕíŋ] (listen); Chinese: 绍兴) is a prefecture-level city on the southern shore of Hangzhou Bay in northeastern Zhejiang province, China. It was formerly known as Kuaiji and Shanyin and abbreviated in Chinese as 越 (Yuè) from the area's former inhabitants. Located on the south bank of the Qiantang River estuary, it borders Ningbo to the east, Taizhou to the southeast, Jinhua to the southwest, and Hangzhou to the west. As of the 2020 census, its population was 5,270,977 inhabitants among which, 2,958,643 (Keqiao, Yuecheng and Shangyu urban districts) lived in the built-up (or metro) area of Hangzhou-Shaoxing, with a total of 13,035,326 inhabitants.

[fr] Shaoxing

Shaoxing (chinois simplifié : 绍兴市 ; pinyin : shàoxīng shì) est une ville de l'est de la Chine, dans la province du Zhejiang, à 50 km à l'est de Hangzhou. Capitale à l'époque des Royaumes Combattants, elle a actuellement le statut de ville-préfecture. Shaoxing possède près de cinq millions d'habitants.
- [it] Shaoxing

[ru] Шаосин

Шаоси́н (кит. упр. 绍兴, пиньинь Shàoxīng) — городской округ в провинции Чжэцзян КНР.

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