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Quzhou (cinese: 衢州; pinyin: Qúzhōu) è una città-prefettura della Cina nella provincia dello Zhejiang.

(ZH) 衢州 (Qúzhōu)
Stato Cina
Coordinate28°57′N 118°52′E
Superficie8 841,12 km²
Abitanti2 525 500 (2010)
Densità285,65 ab./km²
Altre informazioni
Cod. postale324000
Prefisso+86 (0)570
Fuso orarioUTC+8
Codice UNS33 08
Quzhou – Mappa
Quzhou – Mappa
Sito istituzionale

Altri progetti

Collegamenti esterni

Controllo di autoritàGND (DE) 4748389-1
Portale Cina: accedi alle voci di Wikipedia che parlano della Cina

На других языках

[en] Quzhou

Quzhou[lower-alpha 1] is a prefecture-level city in western Zhejiang province, People's Republic of China. Sitting on the upper course of the Qiantang River, it borders Hangzhou to the north, Jinhua to the east, Lishui to the southeast, and the provinces of Fujian, Jiangxi and Anhui to the south, southwest and northwest respectively. Its population was 2,276,184 inhabitants as of the 2020 census whom 902,767 lived in the built-up (or metro) area made of Qujiang and Kecheng urban Districts.[3] Chinese actress and singer Zhou Xun was born in Quzhou.

[fr] Quzhou

Quzhou (衢州 ; pinyin : Qúzhōu) est une ville du sud-ouest de la province du Zhejiang en Chine. On y parle le dialecte de Quzhou du wu. Dans les anciennes sources occidentales,depuis les rapports des missionnaires français, son nom était romanisé en Kyu-tchéou-fou[2] ou Kiou-tchéou-fou. [3]
- [it] Quzhou

[ru] Цюйчжоу

Цюйчжо́у (кит. упр. 衢州, пиньинь Qúzhōu) — городской округ в провинции Чжэцзян КНР.

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