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Huaihua (怀化; pinyin: Huáihuà) è una Città-prefettura della provincia cinese dell'Hunan.

Stato Cina
PrefettoYi Peng-fei
Coordinate27°33′N 109°58′E
Superficie27 572,54 km²
Abitanti4 983 700 (2005)
Densità180,75 ab./km²
Altre informazioni
Cod. postale418000
Fuso orarioUTC+8
Codice UNS43 12
Huaihua – Mappa
Huaihua – Mappa
Sito istituzionale

Suddivisioni amministrative

Altri progetti

Collegamenti esterni

Controllo di autoritàGND (DE) 6140488-3
Portale Cina: accedi alle voci di Wikipedia che parlano della Cina

На других языках

[en] Huaihua

Huaihua (simplified Chinese: 怀化市; traditional Chinese: 懷化市; pinyin: Huáihuà Shì) is a prefecture-level city in the southwest of Hunan province, China. It covers 27,564 km2 (10,643 sq mi) and is bordered by Xiangxi to the northwest, Zhangjiajie and Changde to the north, Yiyang, Loudi and Shaoyang to the east, Guilin and Liuzhou of Guangxi to the south, and Qiandongnan and Tongren of Guizhou to the southwest. It has a population of 4,741,948 (2010 census), accounting for 7.22% of the provincial population.[2][3] According to the 2010 Census, 2,909,574 people, or 61.4% of the population, are Han Chinese. Minorities constitute 38.6% of the population, with 1,832,289 people. The Dong, Miao, Tujia, Yao and Bai are major native minority groups.[4] Huaihua is the central region of the Dong ethnic population, home to nearly 28.35% of the Chinese Dong ethnic group.[5]

[fr] Huaihua

Huaihua (chinois : 怀化市 ; pinyin : huáihuà shì) est une ville-préfecture de la province du Hunan en Chine.
- [it] Huaihua

[ru] Хуайхуа

Хуайхуа́ (кит. упр. 怀化, пиньинь Huáihuà) — городской округ в провинции Хунань КНР.

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