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La contea di Shaodong (邵东县S, Shàodōng XiànP) è una contea della Cina, situata nella provincia di Hunan e amministrata dalla prefettura di Shaoyang.

Contea di Shaodong
(ZH) 邵东县
Stato Cina
Coordinate27°15′28.08″N 111°44′06.29″E
Altitudine270 m s.l.m.
Superficie1 778,47 km²
Altre informazioni
Cod. postale422800
Fuso orarioUTC+8
Codice UNS43 05 82
Contea di Shaodong
Sito istituzionale

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[de] Shaodong

Der Kreis Shaodong (chinesisch .mw-parser-output .Hans{font-size:110%}邵东县, Shàodōng Xiàn) ist ein Kreis in der chinesischen Provinz Hunan. Er gehört zum Verwaltungsgebiet bezirksfreien Stadt Shaoyang (邵阳市). Der Kreis Shaodong hat eine Fläche von 1.776 km² und 910.600 Einwohner (Stand: Ende 2018).[1] Sein Hauptort ist die Großgemeinde Liangshi (两市镇).

[en] Shaodong

Shaodong (simplified Chinese: 邵东; traditional Chinese: 邵東; pinyin: Shàodōng; lit. 'east of Shao[yang]') is a county-level city in the Province of Hunan, China, it is under the administration of Shaoyang City. Located in the central Hunan, the city is bordered to the northeast by Shuangfeng County, to the northwest by Xinshao County, to the east by Shuangqing, Beihu and Beita Districts of Shaoyang, to the south by Qidong County, to the southeast by Hengyang County. Shaodong County covers 1,768 km2 (683 sq mi), as of 2015, it had a registered population of 1,335,900 and a permanent resident population of 928,000.[2] The county has three subdistricts, 18 towns and four townships under its jurisdiction, the county seat is Dahetang Subdistrict (大禾塘街道).[3]

[fr] Xian de Shaodong

La ville de Shaodong (邵东市 ; pinyin : Shàodōng shì) est un district administratif de la province du Hunan en Chine. Il est placé sous la juridiction de la ville-préfecture de Shaoyang.
- [it] Contea di Shaodong

[ru] Шаодун

Шаоду́н (кит. упр. 邵东, пиньинь Shàodōng, буквально: «восточная часть уезда Шаоян») — городской уезд городского округа Шаоян провинции Хунань (КНР).

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