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La contea di Anxiang (安乡县S, Ānxiāng XiànP) è una contea della Cina, situata nella provincia di Hunan e amministrata dalla prefettura di Changde.

Contea di Anxiang
(ZH) 安乡县
Stato Cina
Coordinate29°24′52.6″N 112°09′56.95″E
Superficie1 086,03 km²
Altre informazioni
Cod. postale415600
Fuso orarioUTC+8
Codice UNS43 07 21
Contea di Anxiang
Sito istituzionale

Altri progetti

Collegamenti esterni

Controllo di autoritàVIAF (EN) 256606300 · NDL (EN, JA) 00629863
Portale Cina: accedi alle voci di Wikipedia che parlano della Cina

На других языках

[de] Anxiang

Anxiang (chinesisch .mw-parser-output .Hani{font-size:110%}安乡县, Pinyin Ānxiāng Xiàn) ist ein Kreis der bezirksfreien Stadt Changde im Norden der chinesischen Provinz Hunan. Er hat eine Fläche von 1.086,8 Quadratkilometern und zählt 531.500 Einwohner (Stand: 2019).[1]

[en] Anxiang County

Anxiang County (simplified Chinese: 安乡县; traditional Chinese: 安鄉縣; pinyin: Ānxiāng Xiàn) is a county in Hunan Province, China, it is under the administration of the prefecture-level city of Changde. The county is located at one of the inflows of Dongting Lake, on the north in Hunan Province and the southeast in Changde City, and it borders in the north to Gong'an County, in the west to Li County, Jinshi City and Dingcheng District, the south by Nan County, the east by Shishou City. The county has an area of 1,087 kilometres (675 mi) with 602,299 of registered population and 525,619 of permanent resident population (as of 2010 census).[2] It is divided into eight towns and four townships under its jurisdiction.[3] The county seat is Shenliu (深柳镇).

[fr] Xian d'Anxiang

Le xian d'Anxiang (安乡县 ; pinyin : Ānxiāng Xiàn) est un district administratif de la province du Hunan en Chine. Il est placé sous la juridiction de la ville-préfecture de Changde.
- [it] Contea di Anxiang

[ru] Аньсян

Анься́н (кит. упр. 安乡, пиньинь Ānxiāng) — уезд городского округа Чандэ провинции Хунань (КНР).

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